Have you wanted to share feedback but didn’t know how? Or maybe you’ve had a moment where you thought “wow, it would be cool if it could do this”? Or even wanted to share ideas around how we price our products and present them? If so, then you should join our CAB or our MetaTesters group.

What’s the difference?

Customer Advisory Board

What’s in it for you?

Customer Advisory Board
An orange square
Blake Cohlan
Senior Director of Growth Marketing, SupportLogic
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Interested or want to know more? Apply here.


What if I want to join both?

You can definitely apply to both programs. We are creating cohorts so even if you aren’t brought in to the first cohort for the CAB, you could be for MetaTesters.

How can I refer someone?

That sounds great! Send them this link or have them email

What if Im our admin and a director level title?

Sounds like you could be a great fit for both programs! Just check “interested in both” and we will reach out.
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