August 2024 Release Notes

Hello ☀️ 🍏  As August winds down and we enjoy the last stretch of Summer at Metadata, we’re excited to announce a new wave of updates and features specifically for Spotlight to enhance how you can use, source, and view audience engagement data.

Get ready to explore some key updates and features with us✨ 🚀

  1. Account Engagement Score #2

What is it:

Allows users to set a weighted percentage amount for each KPI to determine which data sources engagement scores are based on.

 Key Functions:

  • Engagement Score Settings and KPIs: User can optimize engagement scores based on the KPIs that are most relevant to their audience and channels.

Why is it important:

This allows our users to get more personalized and relevant data from engagement scores, and customize KPI parameters to fit their business needs.

  1. Account Activity Source:

What is it:

Allows users to see the source from which website visitors are engaging in a timeline view.

Key Functions:

  • Account Source Attribution: Users can filter sources of engagement and drill into data to understand channel performance as it relates to website visitors. Sources include Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, Organic/Direct, Email or 3rd Party.

Why is it important:

Provides insights and attribution to inbound and third-party channels, and chronologically shows engagement and activities from website visitors.

  1. Account Details View

What is it:

Updated view of account details, touchpoints and timeline activities from engaged accounts.

Key Functions:

  • Account Detail Banner, Touchpoint Categories and Engagement Graph: Account banners show a summary of the account, engagement classification, and last touch point. Aggregate touch points from LinkedIn Ads. Website Visits, Conversions, and Sales (SFDC campaigns only). Graphs that show a timeline of account and audience engagement.

Why is it important:

Provides a cleaner UI to read data, important account and engagement data, and flexibility to visualize engagement.

  1. LinkedIn Account-Based Retargeting

What is it:

Create LinkedIn account-based retargeting audiences directly in Spotlight for Demandhub customers.

Key Functions:

  • Retargeting Audiences: Audiences can be made with LinkedIn native criteria and can be made based on company or contacts.

Why is it important:

Leverage Spotlight insights and audience engagement data to push retargeting audiences to Demandhub campaigns.