Stack the deck with Metadata

Metadata ignores “best practices” so you can game the ad channels and spend more efficiently.

"Before Metadata, we didn’t know how our channels and campaigns performed. Now our team can focus our fluctuating budgets on the highest-performing, revenue-generating campaigns. With Metadata, we’re confident our budget is being used efficiently as possible."
Mitchel Robichaud
Digital Marketing Manager, PartnerStack

Every ad channel wants you to spend more.

The whole model is broken. Your campaigns are optimized using vanity metrics. And you can’t see if you’re generating pipeline or revenue. Ad channels are a black box. Metadata was built to break it open.

Metadata wants you to spend
more efficiently.

The 1-1-1 (audience, creative/keyword, offer) structure breaks "best practices" and gives you more control.

We've got data to back it up too.

Game the ad channels with Metadata.


    Your experiments use one audience, one ad, and one offer so you get more clarity on what’s actually working.


    Your budgets are set at the experiment level, not campaign groups, so you spend more efficiently.


    Your campaigns are optimized using lead and opportunity data from your CRM, not vanity metrics.

See Metadata in action

You did your research, saw enough proof, and want to see the real thing.

Social proof does the selling for us

“We’ve seen a huge revenue increase over the last two years. We went from a million dollars a quarter to now almost a million dollars a month, and we are doubling in size year over year. Metadata is probably 75% of that.”
Mike Smith
VP of Revenue Marketing, LaunchDarkly
“Before Metadata, we were running ads natively on one channel and getting junk. We turned on Metadata, and it was 95% accurate in terms of the titles and the personas that we wanted to target. Using native channel targeting, our CPL was about $225. In our first Metadata campaign, the CPL was $67."
Blake Cohlan
Senior Director of Growth Marketing, SupportLogic
“Part of it is just having one place for all this stuff I’m trying to juggle in my head all the time and knowing that I can reference it immediately. So when the CEO says, ‘What’s going on?’ I can show them instantly what’s happening, why it’s working or not working, and what we’re going to do next.”
Andy Wibbels
Director of Marketing, Lucidworks