How to Shift Your Focus from Leads to Pipeline & Revenue

Here’s the thing: Leads will only take you so far.

But it’s easy to fall into the trap as an organization to focus only on leads.

This is how it goes for a lot of startups. Even us.

We didn’t always measure our marketing performance based on pipeline and revenue. It’s been a gradual process, and by no means did it happen overnight.

Thankfully we’ve learned a ton during the whole process.

Jason Widup, VP of Marketing, and Mark Huber, Head of Brand & Product Marketing at Metadata, explore how to move beyond just lead building and work closely with sales to improve your entire demand generation strategy.

Tune in to the full session to learn more on how to go from lead generation to revenue generation.

Watch the full episode

Three top takeaways:

Here are the three most important takeaways from the episode:

Takeaway 1: Marketing can’t do this alone

When the topic of shifting focus to pipeline and revenue first comes up, there are two common mistakes that companies make:

  1. Gated content
  2. Company alignment

One is that people focus too much on gated content. If you swap out every single form on your website for ungated content, this can create a whole slew of other issues. It’s not going to get you closer to pipeline and revenue.

Another mistake to avoid is thinking that this is all just a marketing issue. You also need to be talking to your sales and rev ops teams and setting expectations with your leadership team as well.

Which leads up to takeaway number two.

Takeaway 2: Sales and marketing need to join forces

Pipeline and revenue are not just matters for the marketing team. Combining forces means you get unique insights from both sales and marketing, which can go a long way in helping the company achieve its revenue goals. Two minds are better than one.

If you haven’t already aligned your sales and marketing teams together, you’re missing out.

Pro tip: Your sales team should be heavily involved in defining your ICP. So it’s worth regularly meeting with them to discuss any changes or ongoing strategies. The more everyone is aligned, the better.

Takeaway 3: Empathy is key

Empathy is important in any marketing strategy because you need to understand what leads a prospect to buy. You need to know what resonates with your prospects. Is this what they need, or is it solving a problem?

Beyond that, empathy for your team and other departments is key as well. If you’re handing over marketing advice to your sales team that they don’t believe in, it’ll be a much tougher sell.

Instead, put yourself in the other person’s shoes and ask yourself: would this work on me? Would you want to follow up with this person? Would you want to hand over your email address? Would your sales rep be happy to use this cold calling strategy?

Using that as a frame for your pipeline and revenue strategies will help you focus on what’s really important.

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