Internal Marketing Is Just As Important As External Marketing

Are you hitting the nail on the head when it comes to internal marketing?

…You are doing internal marketing, right?

Keep listening if you’re not. Mark and Jason break down why they prioritized internal marketing at Metadata and how to do the same at your company.

You’ll hear about the internal marketing experiments, challenges, and mistakes they’ve made along the way so you don’t have to.

Three top takeaways:

Takeaway 1: Think of your entire company as the marketing team

At Metadata, there’s only so much noise our marketing team of six can make. No matter how hard we try. 

The good news is your marketing team is actually much bigger than you think. Your entire company is your marketing team, even if they don’t have a marketing job title.

Every interaction they have with prospects and customers helps build your brand. Every LinkedIn post helps create more noise. And every new product release helps get the word out.

Marketing gets easier when the rest of your company knows they need to help market whatever you sell. This has to come from the top down or else they won’t make it part of their everyday.

Takeaway 2: Do a Marketing “show and tell” every week

We have a revenue team meeting every week and Marketing usually gets ~2 minutes of airtime (because Sales loves to talk).  That’s not enough time to share what we’re working on.

Every Friday, we send short 2-3 minute Loom videos from each person on the marketing team. Each weekly update turns into a new playlist so people can watch them on their own time.

We show off new campaigns, content, process changes, you name it. Sometimes in-progress work to get people fired up. All with funny easter eggs to see who watches the videos.

Our goal is to share the most important (and only the most important) things the rest of the company needs to know about.

Takeaway 3: Make sure your company know what’s in it for them

Don’t just say what you’re doing or working on and call it a day. Give your company context around the what, why and how.

We wrote a blog last month comparing what it’s like to run campaigns natively vs. running campaigns in Metadata.

When I sent the internal announcement on Slack/email and during Marketing show and tell, I didn’t say “we wrote a new blog, please go share it” and call it a day. 

I said “We wrote a blog on this topic because we know Sales and Customer Success runs into this objection all the time. This blog educates prospects and customers on where native ad channels fall short and how Metadata fills in the gaps.”

Reframe what you’re working on so everyone knows what’s in it for them and how marketing is trying to help them in their own roles.