Webinar Recording - 8/19/21
Don’t go all-in on ABM or demand gen. Learn how to do both using two different funnels.
ABM this. Demand gen that. We’re here to tell you there’s a time and a place for both.
And the best B2B marketers are actually running both right now using two, different funnels.
“Two, different funnels? I can’t even figure out one funnel right now.” – Probably you right now
It’s overwhelming when you don’t know where to start or how to manage two funnels. That’s why we’re hosting this webinar.
Watch Jason Widup, our VP of Marketing, and Chris Moody, Senior Director at Gartner, to get the full double funnel rundown. They’ll be giving away actionable advice and tactics so you can start blending ABM and demand gen programs together.
So whether you wrote the book on the double funnel approach (you didn’t, TOPO did) or you’re just getting started – you’ll find this webinar helpful. Trust us.
Senior Director, Gartner