Here’s the scoop: Liam Moroney and Graceanne MacDonald, the rockstar co-founders of Storybook Marketing, are all about demand generation. They’ve been there, and done that as in-house marketing leaders. They’ve built teams, called the shots, and seen it all.
Having experienced various challenges and successes, they bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the table.
With their extensive background, they have valuable insights to share on selecting and optimizing marketing channels.
Their feedback provides invaluable guidance on how to make the most of your marketing efforts, ensuring optimal results for your business.
Use the “off and on-ramp” analogy
Leam and Grace have typically looked at dimension programs, and we like to use this analogy of on and off ramps. Often people treat “on-ramps” as conversion points or run conversation plays that don’t drive results.
On-ramps: Channels and locations to get your messaging and content in front of them to create demand. (Ex. Social media, industry publications, podcasts, communities, and newsletters).
Off-ramps: Conversion points that your audience takes to enter into the buying process. (Ex: inbound demo requests, events (live conversation, outbound efforts, free trial/PLG)
Outbound can be both on and off-ramp. You have to educate to convert and you run outbound for the sake of conversion not purely for education.
What’s your best budget allocation
To get better performance out of your program, it’s good to look at how you’re allocating your budget and whether you are doing it in the correct way driving towards the. Goals.
Looking at a semi-typical but fictional example at a typical demand generation budget, yours is going to look different, but with the ones we’ve seen typically you may have a breakdown of your program spend.
For a breakdown of typical spend, let’s say: you’ve got 40% of it being spent on Linkedin to drive towards your audience. 40% of it is third-party content syndication and promoting content. Then maybe 20 % of it is paid search, where you’re driving people off things like Google and LinkedIn.
If you look at that from a snapshot and that’s normal for many businesses, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that setup. It’s common to add another layer on top of it within those buckets.
But in what ways are you using that budget on those particular channels? Being mindful of how you allocate your budget is crucial to maximizing potential by picking the appropriate channels for conversions. You don’t have to do what’s typical.
Finding coordinated messaging
The common scenario is marketing messaging gets extracted to form the outbound messaging instead of built through the lens of outbound.
A study showed the order of reading key components of marketing messaging isn’t linear. In order, customers looked at:
1. Intro 4. Hook & Pitch 3. CTA 2. Close
Looks off, right? But according to the study, people want to know who you are and what you want straight away. Therefore, messaging and the sequence can play a major role in conversions. Restructure your sequence when reaching out to potential prospects.